
Tuesday, July 7, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Technology. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Technology paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Technology, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Technology paper at affordable prices !

Chapter 1 explains why change is good in the work environment. Technology changes so abruptly and we all have to keep up with the fast pace of it all. I will be discussing the different types of change and how to overcome the resistance to change. I also will be discussing how culture effects organizations.Technological change is the first type that the book discusses. It is a well-known fact that technology changes at a very fast pace. New machines, or equipment are constantly changing and becoming faster and more efficient. Email has changed the business world incredibly. Now we can send a document to someone in a matter of minutes rather than having to wait days for a response. It is also a lot easier to do international business now. We have come a long way in the field of technology. Automation is another type of change. The book defines automation as the simplification or reduction of human effort to do the job. Computers and other machinery have allowed jobs like inspecting and assembling to be done by robots. This is a lot cheaper than having humans do these jobs. The need for training is gone. Unskilled jobs are decreasing.Change is not always as welcome as technology. Lately in Silicon Valley there has been a lot of forceful changes going on. Thousands of people have been laid off, including myself. This sort of thing happens due to the stock market and the government. This motivates people like myself to keep learning new skills and to continue education.

Custom writing offers papers on Technology

People resist change for many different reasons that include status quo, uncertainty, or fear. Development for a positive climate for change is one way to help employees overcome this fear. Build mutual trust to let them know that their best interest is in mind. Encourage employees to do their best. Give them opportunities to develop new skills and creativity. Encourage them to suggest changes and listen to their new ideas. This idea is an important part of total quality management. Explain to your employees that change is a win-win situation, but provide facts to back up this plan. Provide support that they feel comfortable talking with you about how this change is affecting them. Stay calm while giving then support. When I was laid off my manager did not provide emotional support. That made it even harder to except and in the end made me very bitter towards her as well as the company. If she would have just listened to my feelings I might have a different attitude towards the company. Organizational culture has to do with the shared values and assumptions of how members will behave. Companies have the power to change and manage cultures. These cultures are created through art, songs, stories, symbols, rituals, slogans, heroes, and mottoes. At the most recent job that I was at there was a huge amount of company culture. The office itself was a wonderful environment. It was colorful and had lots of personality. Every Monday we had a company lunch meeting. It would start off with food for everyone. All the managers would report what was going on with their team then the CEO would give his input on what he was working on. After official business was over we would pass the microphone around and people would tell stories of what was going on in their lives, what movies to go see, where to go to have dinner, what plays to go to. It made us all feel important and brought a lot of culture to the company. We also had a cultural czar who took care of all community service and the yearly company retreat that was held in places like Mexico, Hawaii, and San Diego. He also organized for the company to build a park for the children right around the block. One day a year employees are encouraged to help build houses for Habitats for Humanity. Most of the employees are eager to take a day off and work for the good of humanity. I know that they are currently teaming up with other major companies in the area to build a technology school in the heart of East Palo Alto for all high school kids to attend if they are interested. The company hired the mayor of East Palo Alto to come in and help our cultural czar with a project concerning underprivileged high school students coming in to the company to intern and learn about technology first hand. Last year this did very well and now the mayor is a permanent employee there. This company had a lot of culture. I could write a whole paper on the companies culture alone. I hope that the next company I work for has the same values toward their employees and their community. I think all big companies should put just as much work into giving back to the community as they should their own business. Please note that this sample paper on Technology is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Technology, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Technology will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, July 3, 2020

Mid summer's night dream

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Mid summer's night dream. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Mid summer's night dream paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Mid summer's night dream, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Mid summer's night dream paper at affordable prices !

A Midsummer Nights Dream The story A Midsummer Nights Dream tells about a group of characters that fall in love with each other. However, the whole play is all a dream. The dream also contains dreams within dreams. For example, Hermia had a dream where she fell in love with an ass, and at the end of the play Puck tells everyone that the whole deal was a dream, and that none of this really happened in real life. The title describes the story for it must have taken place in the midsummer type season and was a dream. The play at the wedding is like a play within a play, for A Midsummer Nights Dream is a play itself. William Shakespeare was a great English playwright, dramatist and poet who lived during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Shakespeare is considered to be the greatest playwright of all time. No other writers plays have been produced so many times or read so widely in so many countries as his. Shakespeares plays are usually divided into three major categories. These are comedy, tragedy, and history. A Midsummer Nights Dream had 5 subplots. These included the lovers, the fairies, the wedding, the workers, and interlude. These subplots are made with all the elements of the story. The interlude was the play at the end of the story, after the wedding. All the lovers at the wedding saw the play, which was performed by the workers. The fairies confused lovers and caused them to marry different people, such as Puck when he put the juice in the wrong persons eyes. Thus the wedding took place and they got married. Without the workers, there would have been no play for the wedding. Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius, and Helena are the four of the young lovers, who have a relationship with each other, but each of them doesnt love whom they must marry at first. For example, Demetrius was in love with Hermia, until later on he was juiced with love potion. From there he started to love Helena, which was his lover. Hermia makes a life threatening decision for her love. She was forced to marry Demetrius; otherwise she would be put to death. Instead she took Lysanders plan, which was to run away with him, and to avoid death. Lysander made the life threatening decision for Hermia, which was to run away with her. Helena loved Demetrius, and refused to leave him alone. She never refused to give up on having him as a lover, and Demetrius couldnt do a single thing about it. He didnt want to harm her, so he had lots of trouble dealing with her until he was juiced with love potion. Oberon watched over Hermia and the rest of the four lovers. He acted like a father or guardian. Titania marries Oberon and Thesues marries Hippolyta at the wedding, as well the young lovers get married. The interlude was made and run by the workers. It takes place at the end of the story, after the wedding. The lovers attend the play. Without the workers there would be no play and the wedding must have not been as exciting. Also, the fairies made the lovers love different people so they may have been happier with the ones that they loved. The fairies confused many of the people. Puck and his other fairies joined in on conversations between Oberon and Titania, and Puck played many jokes on them. He later on felt sorry for his actions and apologized to everyone about it. Puck puts the love potion into the wrong persons eyes, which caused Demetrius to marry the right person. He was originally in love with Hermia. The fairies changed many things around. So the fairies effected the lovers, which in the wedding people married the unexpected. The workers helped put together the play at the wedding. They also stared as the characters in it and the play was what made this whole story a play within a play. At the end the lovers make fun of the play, which at the beginning they thought it would be good. In conclusion, A Midsummer Nights Dream was a play that was a dream. In this play there were plays within plays and dreams within dreams, so the whole story never did happen in real life to the person who was dreaming about this. Although it wasnt necessary for Puck to mention that this whole play was a dream itself, it adds to the effect to even out having this plays within plays. All elements and subplots of this story are perfectly fit together. It is a great story of romance and comedy, and if I had a chance to see this play I would go see it. -To all the people who slack like me, and do everything at the last minute. Anonymous Please note that this sample paper on Mid summer's night dream is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Mid summer's night dream, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Mid summer's night dream will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

On my deathbed

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on on my deathbed. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality on my deathbed paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in on my deathbed, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your on my deathbed paper at affordable prices !

Lying on bed with little consciousness, I look around the room, searching for the familiar faces that I loved so much. They are there, my dearest daughter and my granddaughter. They stand at the door, looking at me, weeping, with sadness in their eyes. I give them a weak smile. I know I was dying. I am 8, have lived long enough and have enjoyed so much good time. Five years ago, I sent my husband away, and now, it¡¯s my time.The pain tortured me for a long time seems to disappear now. I feel calm and peaceful. Then I see a tunnel of white light coming towards me. The light is gentle and warm, and a figure is looming at the end of the tunnel. I find myself in the tunnel, walking towards the figure. As I walk, a succession of pictures flashing before me, all are pictures of me, from my childhood to the old age, just like a video camera rewinding my whole life. I see a picture of my great grandpa and me, me riding a tricycle quickly and grandpa chasing me, looking angry. Oh, I do remember what happened. I was 5 years old then, and was living with my great grandpa. So mischievous I was that I threw a little muddy scoop into a big jar that was filled with drinking water, thus making grandpa really angry. Trying to get away with the blame, I rode my tricycle trying to escape form the crime scene. And he was chasing me. The run-and-catch game started from the house to the end of the street, attracting quite a lot of spectators. It was so impressive that my dearest grandpa always mentioned to me when I grew up.There is a picture of my family in New Year¡¯s Eve. The background is a lot of fireworks, which are so shining that make the sky bright. And we are all wearing thick clothes, smiling, looking up the beautiful sky. What a wonderful moment! That was the first time for me to invite my parents to a trip to Harbin in spring festival, which I had been dying to do for a long time. And that was the luckiest trip for me because I met a young man there, which later became my lifetime partner. Everything is so clear that it seems just happened to me yesterday. I remember that¡¯s the first year after my graduation from the university.

Custom writing offers papers on on my deathbed

Then goes the picture of a hospital. White walls, white beds, white sheets, white uniforms. Everything is white and so is my face. I am lying in bed, staring aimlessly at the ceiling. That was the hardest moment in my life. Having reported some great news, exposing the seamy side of the society, I was at the peak of my career as a news reporter. Hated by those who regarded me as an obstacle, I got involved into a premeditate car accident, which cost me one leg. Losing a leg almost made me crazy since I could not continue to do the job that I loved so much. What¡¯s more, a jobless handicap made me a burden to my family, a fact that I cannot endure. I was totally down at the time. Ironically, I got my first crutch that year, on my 8-year-old birthday, which should be given to me 40 years later. The pictures keep flashing. One of them shows that I am sitting on a balcony, with my laptop on my knees. Below the balcony was a noisy village. Well, maybe I¡¯d better not call it a village but a small city. There aren¡¯t any rivers, fields, trees or flowers in sight. Instead, there are high buildings, crowded stores and all kinds of vehicles around. The scene seems a little bit strange. Oh, that¡¯s the picture of me in Venezuela. I was traveling in the South America at the time, and made a short visit there. After that terrible car accident, I re-collected my courage for life and found a job as a columnist, writing travel journals for a magazine. Thanks for the advanced scientific technology that enabled a one-leg woman to travel around the world conveniently.More and More pictures go through quickly the quarrel with my parents, the moment of tending my father in the hospital, the expression in moms eyes when she is leaving me, the party for my career achievements with friends, the kiss with my first boyfriend, the first date with my husband, the first look at my granddaughter¡­There are both wonderful moments and hard times. And happiness, sorrow, regrets, tears and smiles, all being a part of my life. I guess that¡¯s what life should be. The nearer I walk to the figure, the stronger the light is. And I feel myself light as a feather. So light I am that I begin to float. The weeping of my daughter seems to fade away, and little by little, I lost all my consciousness. Its my first essay in English writing class Please note that this sample paper on on my deathbed is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on on my deathbed, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on on my deathbed will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Gay marriages

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on gay marriages. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality gay marriages paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in gay marriages, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your gay marriages paper at affordable prices!Lisa Schiffren's article "Gay Marriage, an Oxymoron" left me confused, and led me to believe the author was unsure of her feelings. There were not many referenced, and Schiffren failed to talk much about the politics, which is what I believe should have been the key factor of her argument. The article begins talking about baby's and how they are the bases of marriage, and then out of no where starts to talk about the political stand point. The comment about how "parenthood has transformed many baby boomers into advocates of bourgeois norms" confused me about what the meaning of this article was. I found myself questioning whether the article was focused more on if we as society will accept same gender marriages, if it's the right thing because of religion, or if to be legal. Schiffren makes one comment in the article "In a diverse, open society such as ours, tolerance of homosexuality is a necessity," this makes me wonder is this article focused on what our society thinks; do we tolerate "gay marriages" because we know its there and don't want to speak out? I assumed when reading this paragraph my question would be answered. But as I read through the remainder of the article I only found myself even more lost. The author goes on saying "Whether homosexual relationships endure is of little concern of society." This quote from the author makes it seem as if society doesn't care much about what homosexuals do. But, and I quote " 'Same-sex marriage' is inherently incompatible with our culture's understanding of the institution." This makes it seem that society does care and is against "gay marriages."I then found Schiffren discussing religion. She writes "Though it is not polite to mention it, what the Judeo-Christian tradition has to say about homosexuality unions could not be clearer. In a diverse, open society such as ours tolerance of homosexuality is a necessity." Does this quote mean that society excepts this, because from what I have learned, the Bible is against homosexuality. This quote not only brought up once again how society tolerates same sex relations but also tied the comment in with religion. This makes no sense, Schiffren continues to contradict herself.

I am then left with the politics mentioned in the article. Throughout the entire article no political references were used. Schiffren referred to the Hawaii courts consideration but never shared any details about the case. When the beginning of the article talked about the case I assumed this article would be about if politics should allow homosexual marriages to be legal . But the only comment made about the government was in paragraph ten about how they give "tax benefits, inheritance rights, and employee benefits only to the married," she then goes on to argue that theses benefits are used to help families raise children, which is impossible for homosexuals. Schiffren does not even discuss this argument in detail or have any references to back her up. Not only does Schiffren not support any of her arguments, but when she discusses her thoughts on homosexual marriage I am confused as well as she seems to be, about whether she agrees or disagrees with the idea. She goes through the entire articlediscussing all of these different points, religion, politics, society, and the government. But doesn't really say how any one or herself feels about the entire subject. I think that the point of the article is to persuade people to feel a certain way about homosexual weddings, if we don't know how the author feels or any of her references how can readers make their decisions?All of which brings me to my next point. The purpose of this article was very unclear. Schiffren jumped from one point to another which made it hard to determine what point she was trying to get across. It was obvious the article is about homosexuals. And by the title you would think it was to focus on "gay marriage." But the article continued to discuss so many different issues, that everything was very unclear. Because Schiffren had such a short article she should have tried to focus more on one or two points. Rather than trying to have three or four and not enough detail. It seemed as if the author only knew a little about each subject and that is why she was so brief. Because the author didn't put much explanation into each subjects she left the entire article confusing. I can not stress enough that Schiffren needs to make this article more clear, and needed more support; I was left baffled by the end. She had no strong references and seemed confused on her own decision which would make her unable to persuade readers. And what she was supposed to persuade the reader to believe was also very unclear. "Gay Marriages, an Oxymoron," didn't seem to have a real point. And what I feel should have been discussed more, which is politics, was almost left out completely. The article should of at least have had something to do with the title. politics should consider it Please note that this sample paper on gay marriages is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on gay marriages, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on gay marriages will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Religous tones in Tolkien's works

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Religous tones in Tolkien's works. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Religous tones in Tolkien's works paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Religous tones in Tolkien's works, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Religous tones in Tolkien's works paper at affordable prices !

Although Tolkien stood his ground insisting that The Lord of the Rings was not a Christian allegory, there are still many critics who see the works as very set in Christian beliefs. All throughout the novels, there are numerous relationships between his works and the Bible. A major similarity between Tolkien's works and the bible is Bilbo, the Hobbit, and the twelve dwarves who travel on the adventure with him. As time passes in the Hobbit, and Bilbo proves that he is trustworthy and loyal to his friends, the dwarves trust Bilbo's decisions following him wherever he feels they should go and doing what he says to do. This leader and followers can be linked to Jesus, who similarly had to prove his goodness and loyalty before his twelve disciples would follow his lead and preach his word. Another similarity is the twelve rings. Eleven of these rings were good and were given to the leaders of the different groups occupying Middle-Earth. One ring that represented all of the evilness of the world, made for, and worn by Sauron, ruler of Mordor, who wanted evilness and darkness to control all the lands. This can be related to the twelve disciples as well. Eleven of the disciples were true, pure, and loyal to Jesus, and would never even dream of doing evil things. Then there was Judas, the twelfth disciple. He, like the twelfth ring, brought evilness and darkness to the lives of Jesus and the other followers by betraying his leader, subsequently leading to the death of the son of God. (Novak)Throughout his journey, Frodo battles all of the evilness of the world by trying not to be overcome by the evil powers of his ring. Throughout the trilogy, he uses all of his inner strength to resist its lure, but in the end, it is only his own death that can save the world This can be directly related to Jesus's life journey. He spent all of his days trying to rid the world of evil, and promote the love of God. However, as it turns out, it was only the sacrifice of himself that could lead the world to future peace. (Novak)

College papers on Religous tones in Tolkien's works

In Lord of the Rings, the hobbit, Smeagol, killed his brother to obtain the ring of power for himself. He then became a foul and unholy creature known as Gollum, a slimy, cave dwelling, dangerous monster. In the Bible we have the story of two brothers Cain and Abel. Cain farmed the soil while Abel tended the flocks. Both made offerings to the Lord, Abel willingly giving the best he had with Cain bestowing only a token offering. When the Lord looked in favour upon Abel Cain became jealous and killed him. The Lord banished Cain to a rocky, barren land. The resurrection of Christ is quite evident in Tolkien's works. It is best seen in the Lord of the Rings trilogy when Gandalf the Grey falls into the unknown while protecting his companions from an evil monster and is believed to be dead. Later on in the story he returns to continue his magical assistance as Gandalf the White. In the Bible Jesus rose from the dead and was not recognized by the disciples he encountered. In The Hobbit, Bilbo was tempted time and time again to use the evil Ring of Power for impure reasons. However, the strong-willed hobbit would not succumb to its evil lure. He was true to himself and his strong beliefs in total goodness. This is quite similar to the story of when Jesus resists the temptation of Satan in the desert in the Book of Matthew. Jesus, after fasting for forty days and forty nights resists his urges to create food and drink for himself. He is then tested by the devil himself by being questioned on why he won't prove his divine powers by jumping off a high peak and calling on his father's angels to save his life. Jesus sticks to his pure convictions and declines Satan's evil request. Not once did he ever use his wondrous powers for his own benefit. The final relationship between religion and Tolkien's works lies in the great wizard Gandalf. Believers in Christianity feel that Christ is with them all of the time showing the way to salvation. In Tolkien's novels Gandalf never cures a blind man or a leper with his touch, but he compares to Jesus in his miracles of his magic and spell casting. The hobbits feel secure in his presence in the same way that Christians feel secure in the presence of Christ. (Novak) Throughout Tolkien's novels, the reader hopes for the triumph of good over evil but fears that when evil is so strong it will prevail. There are times when evil seems to gain the advantage only to be overcome at a later date. Christianity is similar to this. The Devil's power is strong and tempting but in the end God will prevail. Please note that this sample paper on Religous tones in Tolkien's works is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Religous tones in Tolkien's works, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Religous tones in Tolkien's works will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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