
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Sand paper

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on sand paper. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality sand paper paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in sand paper, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your sand paper paper at affordable prices !

What is Magnum Photos? photojournalist.Magnum Photos is a photographic co-operative of great diversity and distinction owned by its photographer-members. With powerful individual vision, Magnum photographers chronicle the world and interpret its peoples, events, issues and personalities.There are constantly updated profiles on most countries of the world, covering industry, society and people, places of interest, politics and news events, disasters and conflict.

College Essays on sand paper

In short, when you picture an iconic image, but cant think who took it or where it can be found - it probably came from Magnum. Magnum History Two years after the apocalypse that was called the Second World War ended Magnum Photos was founded. The worlds most prestigious photographic agency was formed by four photographers - Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger, and David Chim Seymour They created Magnum in 147 to reflect their independent natures as people and photographers, the idiosyncratic mix of reporter and artist that continues to define Magnum, emphasizing not only what is seen but also the way one sees it. Iranian, b. 144Born a photographer, Abbas, an Iranian transplanted in Paris, has dedicated his work to the political and social coverage of the developing South. Since 170, his major work, published in world magazines, includes wars and revolutions in Biafra, Bangladesh, Ulster, Vietnam, the Middle East, Chile, Cuba, South Africa with an essay on apartheid. From 178 to 80 , he photographs the revolution in Iran, then returns in 17 after a 17 years voluntary exile to document the post-Khomeiny era. From 18 to 186, he travels in Mexico, photographing the country as if writing a novel. From 187 to 14, from the Xinjiang to Morocco, he photographs the resurgence of Islam, exposing the internal tensions within Muslim societies, torn between a mythical past and a desire for modernisation and democracy. The book draws special attention after the Sept. 11 terror by islamists. From 15 to 000, he travels in the lands of Christians. When the year 000becomes a landmark in the universal calendar, Christianity is the symbol of the strength of Western civilization. From 000 to 00 he works on animist faiths. Abbas is currently working on the Clash of Religions, defined as culturerather than faith, replacing political ideologies in the strategic struggles of the near future. Abbas is a member of Magnum Photos since 181.Henri Cartier-Bresson French, b.108 Born in Chanteloup, Cartier-Bresson started painting in 1 and began to photograph in 11, met Triade, the editor of Verve magazine and frequented members of the French surrealist movement. After a trip to the Ivory Coast he discovered the Leica, since then his camera of choice. He pursued his photographic career in Eastern Europe and Mexico, later on making films with Jean Renoir, Jacques Becker and Andr Zvoboda and a documentary on Republican Spain (17). A war prisoner, he escaped in 140 and made portraits of artists Matisse, Rouault, Braque, Bonnard. In 145 he photographed and covered the liberation of Paris with a group of professional journalists before filming the 146 documentary Le Retour (The Return) and spending a year in the US to complete a posthumous exhibition initiated by New Yorks Museum of Modern Art out of a belief that he was dead. In 147 he founded Magnum Photos with Bill Vandivert, Robert Capa, George Rodger and David Seymour Chim, then spent three years in India, Burma, Pakistan, Indonesia and China (during the last six months of the Kuomintang and the first six months of the Peoples Republic of China). In 15 he returned to Europe and in 154 was the first foreign photographer admitted into the USSR. He subsequently travelled to China, Cuba in the 160s, Mexico, Canada, the USA, India and Japan among other countries. In 168 he began to curtail his photography and follow his passion for drawing and painting. Best known for his concept of the decisive moment in photography, Cartier-Bresson is the recipient of an extraordinary number of prizes, awards and honorary doctorates, among which the Overseas Press Club of America Award (148, 154, 160, 164), The A.S.M.P. Award (15), the Prix de la Socit Française de Photographie (15), the Culture Prize, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie (175). Please note that this sample paper on sand paper is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on sand paper, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on sand paper will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Fiela's Child

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Fiela's Child. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Fiela's Child paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Fiela's Child, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Fiela's Child paper at affordable prices!Explain the changes in both households and how these have affected the eventual plot of the Novel.

The two households in the Novel are the van Rooyen household in the Forest and the Komoetie household in the Long Kloof. There are a few changes that take place in the two different household and affected the eventual plot of the novel.

The first change in the van Rooyen's household in the Novel is the loss of their child; Lukas van Rooyen aged years old. If the Lukas van Rooyen boy did not get lost or get missing, Benjamin Komoetie wouldn't have been accused of being the child that was lost nine years ago. He wouldn't have been brought to the village to meet the Magistrate at his court and none of the prejudicial acts would have been done. Benjamin Komoetie who is a white boy raised in a coloured family wouldn't be moved to the van Rooyen's in the Forest and none of the plot would have eventually gone on.

In the Komoetie household, the first change that took place was where Selling got imprisoned. As Selling became a convict, he does labour during his imprisonment which makes him to be weak. Before this happened, Selling was the head of the household and since his imprisonment, Fiela takes control as she becomes a stronger and dependant woman. That change causes Fiela to face anything without being frail and weak. This includes how she faces the two government officials, the Magistrate and the fact that Benjamin is being taken away. When the rest of the household members are worried and distraught, she makes sure that nothing gets their daily duties to be neglected as life has to go on for them. If Fiela didn't change during Selling's imprisonment and became a tough lady, we could never know how she would react to the two Government officials taking Benjamin away and how the Komoetie household would have gone through the ordeal of losing Benjamin from their family.

In the van Rooyen family, Elias got attacked by elephants after the pit he plotted trapped a calf elephant and was afraid to go to the Forest again. Before that happened, Nina has been sent to work in the village by Elias. These changes in the household made Lukas to be sent off to look for Nina as they were told she wasn't working in the village anymore and hasn't returned to the Forest. Elias is the one who usually goes to the village, to take the wages that Nina makes. As Lukas looks for Nina, he discovers the sea and is fascinated by it. He decides not to return to the Forest so that he could work at the sea and with the ships. As he works with the seamen, he becomes closer to Nina day by day because Nina is working at a place nearby. They spend more time together and realises that he is falling in love with her. This is where the plot of Lukas trying to find his real identity starts to get more complicated because if he is the real Lukas, he couldn't and shouldn't be falling in love with Nina because she is his sister. So questions of his real self comes into mind and makes him disturbed and distracted. If Elias and Barta didn't force Lukas to look for Nina, he wouldn't have started to fell in love with Nina and think of the consequences that would follow.

The last change in the Komoetie household that happened in the Novel was the death of Dawid who was bitten by a button spider. If Dawid's death didn't occur, a messenger wouldn't have been sent through the village to look for Benjamin so that he could be informed on Dawid's death and made him to return for a visit. Even though the messenger didn't meet Benjamin, Benjamin heard of it from Nina and he went back to the Long Kloof after nine years of being in the Forest. From Benjamin's return to the Long Kloof, he talks with Fiela over the problem he is facing which is the feelings he has for Nina who is supposedly to be his sister. As they talk, Fiela tells Benjamin to go back to the Forest and ask Barta if he really is Lukas, the child who was lost. Benjamin took her advice and went back to the Forest to ask Barta. As it turns out, after asking Barta if he really is Lukas van Rooyen, Barta tells him in front of Elias and Willem that he isn't and tells them that the tall guy in the Magistrate's court told her that he is the boy who is suspected to be Lukas. From Dawid's death, it brings about to the truth and the end of the Novel which tells that Benjamin Komoetie is not the lost Lukas van Rooyen and his love for Nina is nothing to be deprived of.

The changes in the two households brings the plot of the Novel together; from the beginning of the Novel where the Lukas boy was missing till the end where Dawid's death managed to bring Benjamin to find out the truth of his real self, either the Lukas boy that had gone missing or the white child raised up in a coloured family, Benjamin Komoetie.

Please note that this sample paper on Fiela's Child is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Fiela's Child, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Fiela's Child will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, July 17, 2020

The Wars - Timithy Findley (Part 1 responce)

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Wars - Timithy Findley (Part 1 responce). What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Wars - Timithy Findley (Part 1 responce) paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Wars - Timithy Findley (Part 1 responce), therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Wars - Timithy Findley (Part 1 responce) paper at affordable prices !

This part of The Wars focuses on the life of the military officers of World War One. It brought out the fact that people from different backgrounds were drawn together for a common cause. Looking back at history, we know that the military in WWI was made up of a few groups of people. The ones who were military personnel previous to WWI, the ones who joined the army due to their patriotic feelings, and the ones who were conscripted into the war. The protagonist, nineteen-year-old Robert Ross, volunteered to join the war, the first one he has ever experienced. Even though he bears the rank of a senior officer that has a batman, he is a rookie at war. He is very innocent; he has never shot another living creature in his life. On the ship coming to war, his first challenged emerged. He had to shoot an injured horse. Given he was an animal lover, killing the horse was truly difficult. But he is a soldier with obligations above all else to the armed forces, and thus carries his task out against his personal wishes.In this part, there were mainly eight characters. In which, each of them differs from one another. The author uses these eight people to show the diversity of those within the war. Some do things by the book, several carry positive dreams for post-war life style, and others despite their situation keep a pet. Further, a number are scared and believe they were not meant to be in the war.The first transcript (pp. 101 to 108) about Lady Juliet was really difficult for me. I had to reread and reread it. At first I did not understand why it was placed in the book. However, later I realized that she was one of the people whom remembers about Robert and is willing to talk about him. Due to the fact that she is deeply involved in the story of Robert, Findley probably used her as a bridge for readers to further understand Robert. Moreover, Lady Juliet also gives us the flavor of time. In other words, she is used as a tool to inform readers the point of view of the society at that time.Up to this point in the book, Findley's writing disgusts me. That is, I disagree with is beliefs and morals. On pages 111 to 112, he indirectly expresses how when boys become very good friends, they can be "in love". On page 112, Findley uses Barbara to explore how women "went through a lot of men and didn't get back to….." This quote gives a reader the impression of how having more than one life-partner is tolerable. I oppose these two beliefs. I do not like how he always talks about homosexuality. In addition, I do not believe it is acceptable to have more than one partner in life.

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This part of the story is really confusing for me. I do not understand a great deal of the story. That is, I speculate there are a lot of symbols within the story that need to be understood in order to completely appreciate the story. Firstly, every time when Lady Juliet goes to visit someone in the hospital, she brings along some flowers. She does not give the flower to the patient. Rather, she just shows off her flower and departs with the flower. I believe this act symbolizes something, however, I failed to recognize what it is. Nonetheless, I believe I understand some of the symbolism in the story. At the scene of Harris' "burial at sea", Taffler was asked to put Harris' ashes in the center of the river. Yet, when Taffler threw the ashes, "he threw it out so far it passed the center and was gone from sight." This is suggesting Taffler's strength is weakening. He used to be able to throw objects at exactly where he wanted. By missing his target, it perhaps symbolizes how his life or health is deteriorating. In a war, people can die at any time. Taffler missing his object can foreshadow how he might later die in the war. After the burial, the mourner remained "until the roses began to crumble". Roses can be viewed as delicate objects, and can be used to symbolize the fragility of life. In both of the cases, it might be symbolic for the short-lives of the soldiers in WWI. Towards the end of part 2, I wonder what would happen at the end of the story. If everyone were to die at the very end, how could those who were left tell these families? Was their cause just? Was it worth fighting over? Was what had happened on the battlefield worth sacrificing their lives? I believe towards the end of this novel, all these mysteries could be solved. Please note that this sample paper on The Wars - Timithy Findley (Part 1 responce) is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Wars - Timithy Findley (Part 1 responce), we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The Wars - Timithy Findley (Part 1 responce) will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, July 16, 2020

GCSE English Coursework- Advertising

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on GCSE English Coursework- Advertising. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality GCSE English Coursework- Advertising paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in GCSE English Coursework- Advertising, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your GCSE English Coursework- Advertising paper at affordable prices !

Media isThe media newspapers, radio and television, which convey information and ideas to the public. That is the Oxford Dictionary Definition of the word media. It means 'Newspapers, radio and televisions show the public information and ideas.' Its says that media is a form of communication. There are many types of media such as internet, billboards, buses and the three already mentioned above. Television, radio and newspapers are the biggest forms of media because in a morning you switch on either the television or the radio or you'll read the paper whilst having your breakfast and you will see media. Everywhere we go, either into town, to the cinema or even a walk down the street, you will see media. It has a very big impact on the world because you can email people over the internet who live in a totally different country to yours. You could even write a letter to a friend or relative who lives in e.g. Russia or China. Media is all over the world and everyone in the world can see it. Media is a big industry known for making celebrities and footballers who they are. Communication the process of transmitting and receiving ideas, information, and messages. The rapid transmission of information over long distances and ready access to information have become conspicuous and important features of human society, especially in the past 150 years, and in the past two decades, increasingly so.

Pay for essay on GCSE English Coursework- Advertising

Advertising is a public notice or announcement, especially one advertising goods or services in newspapers, on posters or on television. Another Oxford Dictionary definition but this time it was on advertising. Advertising is a form of mass selling, it is used when person to person selling is impractical or simply inefficient. Advertising techniques range in complexity from the publishing of simple, straightforward notices in the classified advertisement columns of newspapers to the concerted use of newspapers, magazines, television, radio, direct mail, and other communications media in the course of a single advertising campaign.Advertising falls into two main categories consumer advertising, directed to the ultimate purchaser, and trade advertising, in which the appeal is made to dealers through trade journals and other media. Advertising may be local, national, or international. The amounts charged for the three different levels of advertising vary, particularly in newspapers; varying rates are set for differing classifications of advertising. At one end of the scale are display advertisements for expensive consumer items such as cars. At the other is classified advertising, which ranges from appointments and property advertising at the top, to relatively inexpensive charitable and religious advertisements at the bottom. A wide range of advertising media has been developed from sources whose importance was previously ignored. Delivery trucks, once painted plain, now often carry something or messages, as do many shipping cartons. Some packages, for example, takeaway food cartons, carry advertising for products other than those contained in them, as do telephone credit cards.I chose my Jennifer Lopez advert because it caught my attention as soon as I saw it. The purpose of the advert is to make people want to buy the perfume. It's targeted at the younger, more energetic and enthusiastic generation. For example, you would find a nineteen year old who wants to buy this product more than a forty year old. Older adult is more likely to buy more subtle fragrances than ones designed for young adults. When you first look at the advert it shocks you because Jennifer Lopez is totally naked and it looks like she's in the shower because there's some sort of shower curtain covering her up. Having Jennifer Lopez in the advert really helps sell the perfume because it's like a big superstar has taken time out of their busy schedule to make and sell a sensual perfume designed for anyone. The slogan is 'FRESH- SEXY- CLEAN. THE NEW FRAGARANCE BY JENNIFER LOPEZ'. I think they really thought about the wording. They needed something which did the scent justice and they found what they were looking for. It makes it sound like it's a nice smell and it when you put it on, it feels as if everyone's looking at you because you look and feel good about yourself. The advert is very effective because it says, "If you but this product, you'll be like Jennifer Lopez," and everyone wants to be like her. Please note that this sample paper on GCSE English Coursework- Advertising is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on GCSE English Coursework- Advertising, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on GCSE English Coursework- Advertising will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Hamlet Oral Presentation, Madness

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Hamlet Oral Presentation, Madness. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Hamlet Oral Presentation, Madness paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Hamlet Oral Presentation, Madness, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Hamlet Oral Presentation, Madness paper at affordable prices with !Madness

Don't read too quickly. Good luck xxxxx.

Y- We think madness is a really important theme in the play. Throughout the story-line there is the question of Hamlet's madness, is it genuine or not?

H- At first we think Hamlet's madness may have been believable but as he carried it on it seemed more obvious that his madness was part of a plan. Hamlet's plan was to get revenge on Claudius; he would do whatever it takes. Would madness help him with this?

S- We think that maybe he thought if he exaggerated being crazy then he could get away more things than a sane person could. People may be more lenient towards him and his actions if they thought he was mad.

Y- We think Hamlet realised that he could probably speak more freely, critically and openly if he came across as a madman and in turn people may also speak to him in that way. However saying that, madness may have been the only way that Hamlet could have coped with his problems; maybe this wasn't all part of a big plan?

H- We think it was much more likely melancholy and anger rather than madness. Hamlet was enraged, sometimes happy and sometimes furious. But, we think he was more 'mad' as in angry, rather than true unconscious madness.

S- In the play he may have been called mad and described as 'suffering from madness' but we think today in a more modern world that Hamlet's behaviour would probably be described as 'emotionally disturbed' or 'manic-depression' these phrases are much more widely used nowadays rather than using the more final word 'mad'.

Y- We think that Hamlet's strange kind of 'madness' was noticed by some characters in the play, Claudius for one suspected that Hamlet was not quite mad….

H- 'Nor what he spake, though it lacked form a little, was not like madness'

Y- Other characters also noticed his strange behaviour but were they convinced that it was real, or not? You can decide for yourselves by observing Polonius' reaction to Hamlet in this scene.

S- We will now read an extract of the play which we have mostly translated into more modern English.

Scene from play

S- That scene was when we think that Hamlet first shows obvious signs of abnormal behaviour. Was this madness or all part of an act? Did it start off as true madness, and then later on Hamlet thought he could use it to his advantage?

H- We think that sometimes Hamlet did go mad, or at least severely lose control. But at other times he probably was quite alright, this is when we think he was likely to play on his madness. He realised that people knew that his behaviour was odd and whilst he was sane he could use this to get what he wanted revenge.

S- On the whole we think Hamlet swayed between madness and sanity throughout.

Y- Comparing Hamlet's madness to Ophelia's madness, we think that they are quite different. Hamlet was still able to think and plan and seemed like he could turn his madness on and off. Ophelia couldn't control what she was doing, she seemed totally unconscious from the 'real world' and her actions. We think this is a good example of true madness.

H- Ophelia was driven to madness by a number of things, at the start of the play she smiled and laughed and was perfectly sane. We think she started to tip over into insanity when a chain of unfortunate and horrible things started to take place.

S- We think it stemmed from her brother Laertes leaving, and then Hamlet's cruel treatment of Ophelia, taunting and verbally abusing her, rejecting her.

H- 'I loved you not; get thee to a nunnery why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?'

Y- 'Or if thou wilt needs marry, marry a fool, for wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them.'

S- Finally her father Polonius was murdered….by Hamlet. We think this was the last straw for her; she went mad. Even when Laertes came home she did not change. Maybe if he was there when Polonius died and when Hamlet mistreated Ophelia then he could have helped her through it, made her see it in a different way, and then perhaps she wouldn't have gone mad.

Y- We think Hamlet's reason for this bad treatment of Ophelia was possibly a way of getting back at someone for the murder of his father. He obviously didn't blame Ophelia but maybe he could let out his aggravation and anger and make himself feel better when someone else was suffering as well as him.

S- We also think that Hamlet may have used Ophelia to get back at all women.

H- We think that Ophelia's innocent but tragic story plays on the audience's emotions strongly. Shakespeare knew what he was doing here and did it well and made this an unforgettable element in the play.

Well done xxxxx

Please note that this sample paper on Hamlet Oral Presentation, Madness is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Hamlet Oral Presentation, Madness, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Hamlet Oral Presentation, Madness will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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