
Friday, July 17, 2020

The Wars - Timithy Findley (Part 1 responce)

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This part of The Wars focuses on the life of the military officers of World War One. It brought out the fact that people from different backgrounds were drawn together for a common cause. Looking back at history, we know that the military in WWI was made up of a few groups of people. The ones who were military personnel previous to WWI, the ones who joined the army due to their patriotic feelings, and the ones who were conscripted into the war. The protagonist, nineteen-year-old Robert Ross, volunteered to join the war, the first one he has ever experienced. Even though he bears the rank of a senior officer that has a batman, he is a rookie at war. He is very innocent; he has never shot another living creature in his life. On the ship coming to war, his first challenged emerged. He had to shoot an injured horse. Given he was an animal lover, killing the horse was truly difficult. But he is a soldier with obligations above all else to the armed forces, and thus carries his task out against his personal wishes.In this part, there were mainly eight characters. In which, each of them differs from one another. The author uses these eight people to show the diversity of those within the war. Some do things by the book, several carry positive dreams for post-war life style, and others despite their situation keep a pet. Further, a number are scared and believe they were not meant to be in the war.The first transcript (pp. 101 to 108) about Lady Juliet was really difficult for me. I had to reread and reread it. At first I did not understand why it was placed in the book. However, later I realized that she was one of the people whom remembers about Robert and is willing to talk about him. Due to the fact that she is deeply involved in the story of Robert, Findley probably used her as a bridge for readers to further understand Robert. Moreover, Lady Juliet also gives us the flavor of time. In other words, she is used as a tool to inform readers the point of view of the society at that time.Up to this point in the book, Findley's writing disgusts me. That is, I disagree with is beliefs and morals. On pages 111 to 112, he indirectly expresses how when boys become very good friends, they can be "in love". On page 112, Findley uses Barbara to explore how women "went through a lot of men and didn't get back to….." This quote gives a reader the impression of how having more than one life-partner is tolerable. I oppose these two beliefs. I do not like how he always talks about homosexuality. In addition, I do not believe it is acceptable to have more than one partner in life.

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This part of the story is really confusing for me. I do not understand a great deal of the story. That is, I speculate there are a lot of symbols within the story that need to be understood in order to completely appreciate the story. Firstly, every time when Lady Juliet goes to visit someone in the hospital, she brings along some flowers. She does not give the flower to the patient. Rather, she just shows off her flower and departs with the flower. I believe this act symbolizes something, however, I failed to recognize what it is. Nonetheless, I believe I understand some of the symbolism in the story. At the scene of Harris' "burial at sea", Taffler was asked to put Harris' ashes in the center of the river. Yet, when Taffler threw the ashes, "he threw it out so far it passed the center and was gone from sight." This is suggesting Taffler's strength is weakening. He used to be able to throw objects at exactly where he wanted. By missing his target, it perhaps symbolizes how his life or health is deteriorating. In a war, people can die at any time. Taffler missing his object can foreshadow how he might later die in the war. After the burial, the mourner remained "until the roses began to crumble". Roses can be viewed as delicate objects, and can be used to symbolize the fragility of life. In both of the cases, it might be symbolic for the short-lives of the soldiers in WWI. Towards the end of part 2, I wonder what would happen at the end of the story. If everyone were to die at the very end, how could those who were left tell these families? Was their cause just? Was it worth fighting over? Was what had happened on the battlefield worth sacrificing their lives? I believe towards the end of this novel, all these mysteries could be solved. Please note that this sample paper on The Wars - Timithy Findley (Part 1 responce) is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Wars - Timithy Findley (Part 1 responce), we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The Wars - Timithy Findley (Part 1 responce) will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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