
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Hamlet Oral Presentation, Madness

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Don't read too quickly. Good luck xxxxx.

Y- We think madness is a really important theme in the play. Throughout the story-line there is the question of Hamlet's madness, is it genuine or not?

H- At first we think Hamlet's madness may have been believable but as he carried it on it seemed more obvious that his madness was part of a plan. Hamlet's plan was to get revenge on Claudius; he would do whatever it takes. Would madness help him with this?

S- We think that maybe he thought if he exaggerated being crazy then he could get away more things than a sane person could. People may be more lenient towards him and his actions if they thought he was mad.

Y- We think Hamlet realised that he could probably speak more freely, critically and openly if he came across as a madman and in turn people may also speak to him in that way. However saying that, madness may have been the only way that Hamlet could have coped with his problems; maybe this wasn't all part of a big plan?

H- We think it was much more likely melancholy and anger rather than madness. Hamlet was enraged, sometimes happy and sometimes furious. But, we think he was more 'mad' as in angry, rather than true unconscious madness.

S- In the play he may have been called mad and described as 'suffering from madness' but we think today in a more modern world that Hamlet's behaviour would probably be described as 'emotionally disturbed' or 'manic-depression' these phrases are much more widely used nowadays rather than using the more final word 'mad'.

Y- We think that Hamlet's strange kind of 'madness' was noticed by some characters in the play, Claudius for one suspected that Hamlet was not quite mad….

H- 'Nor what he spake, though it lacked form a little, was not like madness'

Y- Other characters also noticed his strange behaviour but were they convinced that it was real, or not? You can decide for yourselves by observing Polonius' reaction to Hamlet in this scene.

S- We will now read an extract of the play which we have mostly translated into more modern English.

Scene from play

S- That scene was when we think that Hamlet first shows obvious signs of abnormal behaviour. Was this madness or all part of an act? Did it start off as true madness, and then later on Hamlet thought he could use it to his advantage?

H- We think that sometimes Hamlet did go mad, or at least severely lose control. But at other times he probably was quite alright, this is when we think he was likely to play on his madness. He realised that people knew that his behaviour was odd and whilst he was sane he could use this to get what he wanted revenge.

S- On the whole we think Hamlet swayed between madness and sanity throughout.

Y- Comparing Hamlet's madness to Ophelia's madness, we think that they are quite different. Hamlet was still able to think and plan and seemed like he could turn his madness on and off. Ophelia couldn't control what she was doing, she seemed totally unconscious from the 'real world' and her actions. We think this is a good example of true madness.

H- Ophelia was driven to madness by a number of things, at the start of the play she smiled and laughed and was perfectly sane. We think she started to tip over into insanity when a chain of unfortunate and horrible things started to take place.

S- We think it stemmed from her brother Laertes leaving, and then Hamlet's cruel treatment of Ophelia, taunting and verbally abusing her, rejecting her.

H- 'I loved you not; get thee to a nunnery why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?'

Y- 'Or if thou wilt needs marry, marry a fool, for wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them.'

S- Finally her father Polonius was murdered….by Hamlet. We think this was the last straw for her; she went mad. Even when Laertes came home she did not change. Maybe if he was there when Polonius died and when Hamlet mistreated Ophelia then he could have helped her through it, made her see it in a different way, and then perhaps she wouldn't have gone mad.

Y- We think Hamlet's reason for this bad treatment of Ophelia was possibly a way of getting back at someone for the murder of his father. He obviously didn't blame Ophelia but maybe he could let out his aggravation and anger and make himself feel better when someone else was suffering as well as him.

S- We also think that Hamlet may have used Ophelia to get back at all women.

H- We think that Ophelia's innocent but tragic story plays on the audience's emotions strongly. Shakespeare knew what he was doing here and did it well and made this an unforgettable element in the play.

Well done xxxxx

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